
Some superb testimonials from our superb customers! Thank you all for your kind comments."Ornamental Tree Nurseries has a comprehensive list of trees, many of them rare and unusual..."Alan Titchmarsh"The service I received from Ornamental Tree Nurseries was excellent in every aspect. Your website now has pride of place in my 'favourites' and I would not hesitate to recommend or use your service again in the future."Mrs S, London"The tree was at the front door when I arrived home. It was beautifully packaged and was in tip-top condition. Thank you."The late John Cushnie, Broadcaster, Writer for The Telegraph and Garden Designer"...Having ordered many trees, plants and shrubs over the years, I have to say your stock is the best to date that I have ever received. You offered an amazing service that I will definitely be using again."S Bunting"The Queen ... looks forward to watching the tree mature in the gardens here for many years to come."D Bean, Buckingham Palace"My wife and I would like to thank you for the trees delivered on Friday. We were delighted by their overall standard and excellent condition."G Couts, Herefordshire"Thank you for my Prunus 'Kursar' - I planted it yesterday, splendid specimen."Val Bourne, Garden writer for the telegraph"I was impressed by the very careful packaging. The tree looks a beauty and it was in perfect condition."W Pedriali"Not only was it a good shaped specimen tree but it was most beautifully packed and arrived promptly on the date arranged, despite fearful weather and floods in the area."J Jeffs, Wiltshire"...we've ordered several lots of plants on line and have always been disappointed with the quality, yours is the first that we've ever received and been really delighted with the quality. the hedging is all growing well and we will definitely buy from you again. I thought it was important for you to know and it's a pleasure to be saying thank you instead of complaining." M Ryan