Tree 101: The Ultimate Tree Planting & Care Video Series

Tree 101: The Ultimate Tree Planting & Care Video Series

We’re very excited to reveal our brand new video series – Tree 101 with Ornamental Trees.

Tree 101 is a new video series containing the most fundamental guidance on how to properly plant and take care of your trees. These short but informative videos contain clear, easy-to-follow steps, and are designed to give new tree planters and gardeners all the information that they need to get started, in a convenient and digestible format. Experienced gardeners will find these videos useful as well, as a way to brush up on their basic tree knowledge that may have waned over the years.

We are starting off the series with three new videos, but several more are due for release in the not-too-distant future, so stay tuned for those!

1. How to Plant a Tree (Step-by-Step Guide for Pot-Grown Trees)
2. How to Easily Install a Tree Stake & Tie
(Single Stem Trees up to 2.5m)
3. How to Water Trees Correctly

Our first video is How to Plant a (Pot-Grown) Tree. Containerised or pot-grown trees are those that are sold in pots or bags, which can conveniently be planted at any time of year, as opposed to bareroot trees. Aimed specifically at trees up to 2.5 metres in height, the video shows Katie from Ornamental Trees walking through the steps from start to finish with a beautiful Sorbus ‘Sunshine’ tree. Among other steps, she covers how to prepare an adequate planting hole and how to correctly backfill around the tree’s root mass.

Katie also walks through how to properly install a medium-sized single tree stake and tie in our next video in the series How to Install a Tree Stake & Tie. Installing a stake and tie is an important step in the tree planting process as it helps a young tree’s roots to establish properly. Dealing with stakes and ties can be daunting for a first-time tree planter, and gardeners do sometimes get it wrong. It doesn’t need to be complicated, however, as Katie demonstrates. Planting a tree properly is simple when you know how, but it can also just as easily be done incorrectly, leading to poor growth and establishment. Make sure your tree has the best start in life by giving these videos a watch.

The third video in the series, How to Water Trees Correctly, is self-explanatory. It covers good watering practice for young trees, including how to avoid over-watering and advice on when best to water and how much water to use. A good watering regime is essential for young trees and shrubs to establish properly, so make sure you give this video a watch if you have young trees in your garden, or if you’re planning to plant a new tree or two at any point soon.

Watch all of the videos on our website, or visit our YouTube channel.