The seasons are changing and Autumn has officially begun. The bright colours of summer are fading and making way for the rich coloured foliage and berries of Autumn. Maple trees are well known for their Autumn foliage, with Acer palmatum 'Osakazuki' and Acer rubrum 'Sun Valley' being particularly fine examples. Crab apples are going strong, with Malus Marble yielding large marbled fruits and Malus 'Royal Beauty' producing small, pretty dark-purple fruits. Liquidambar displays some of the finest Autumn foliage. The leaves of Liquidambar styraciflua 'Lane Roberts' turns stunning shades of purple and red, whilst Liquidambar styraciflua 'Worplesdon' turns yellow, orange and finally vibrant claret red.The berries of Rowan trees come in many shades including red, pink, yellow and white.Finally, whilst the flowers of many cherry trees may be long gone, the foliage excels. Prunus ‘Collingwood Ingram’ is one of our favourite for bright Autumn foliage.There's something to make every garden shine this Autumn.
Rich Colours of Autumn