Around The Nursery Today

Around The Nursery Today

Some of the photographs that I've taken around the nursery today...

Pear 'Thorn' - Looking rosy the perry pear 'Thorn'. View here

Nyssa sylvatica - The black gum or black tulepo tree with amazing autumn colour already - it was almost too much for my camera to take! View here

Acer platanoides 'Red Lace' - Fantastic frilly orange autumn colour from our own introduction [2005] 'Red Lace'. View here

Betula utilis jaquemontii 'Doorenbos' - Stunning white stemmed birch multistem that we planted in the car park last season. View all of our multistem trees here

Rudbeckia and Lavender - A snippet from our sunny border outside of my office window

Achillea - A very bright, clear yellow Achillea that is ever popular with bees and other flying beasties