- The Middle-Sized Garden is a great source of inspiration for those with medium sized gardens, but it is so much more than that. Alexandra is not afraid to ask experts for their advice so this blog is information rich, yet it makes a very enjoyable read. Alexandra’s YouTube channel covers similar topics, giving viewers a chance to see more of some of the gardens she’s talking about.
- The Frustrated Gardener chronicles the events of both their sub-tropical themed garden and allotment in the south of England. A great blog to enjoy with a brew in hand even if you don't live in the warmer south.
- There's lots of inspiration for designing or improving your garden in the Garden Ninja blog created by Lee, an award-winning garden designer. Don't forget to visit his YouTube channel too, where there are hundreds of how to garden videos.
- If you don't have a garden or just love house plants, Jane Perrone's podcast called On The Ledge will appeal. It's not strictly a blog, but you can listen to it whilst doing the housework if you're so inclined!
- An excellent blog journalling the events of Michelle's garden and life. Veg Plotting has expanded far beyond vegetables and makes an enjoyable read for all. The recent June Drop post will be of interest to anyone who grows fruit trees.
- MandyCanUDigIt is both a blog and resource centre for all things gardening related. Mandy is a journalist and plantaholic with a mission to make gardening more accessible to everyone including the less able, the hard-up and beginners - her blog certainly succeeds in this mission.
- We love the sheer variety of topics in Kew Gardens Read & Watch area, from unusual facts about plants to gardening tips. It's particularly enjoyable if the current restrictions have left you yearning for some botanical-themed armchair travelling.
- Packed full of information and advice, there's a huge variety of plant related topics at Mr Plant Geek.
- Monty Don is one the UK’s most well known gardeners and has been presenting BBC's Gardeners World for over 15 years. Much like the TV show, his blog has lots of timely tips, advice and inspiration for the garden.
- Growing Family is a blog that is mainly about gardening, but you'll also find lifestyle and travel gems among the gardening posts.
Gardening may not be the main focus the Woodland Trust blog but we enjoy it for keeping us in touch with nature and feel it deserves a mention here. It also has some great seasonal projects geared at all ages within the family