We’ve been strolling around the nursery today, appreciating the last of the autumn colours, before the cold weather relieves the trees of their leaves and they disappear until next year. We've found a collection of stunning, dramatic leaves that we think deserve a mention for their impressive autumn display.
Malus Evereste Tree (Flowering Crab Apple) This flowering crab apple tree displays small, electric yellow leaves in the autumn, which provide a wonderful canvas for the flushed crab apples, beaming with shades of orange, red and yellow. The leaves are simple with a slightly serrated edge, and the vibrant red veins running down the centre of the leaf add a striking contrast to the bright yellow of the blade.Sorbus Hupehensis Pink Pagoda Tree (Pink Hupeh Mountain Ash)Sorbus Hupehensis Pink Pagoda (Mountain Ash tree) boasts pinnate leaves with serrated margins, that form a symmetrical display along the stem. The intense burgundy colour that covers each leaf provides a showy feature in any garden, contrasting wonderfully with evergreens and the green of your lawn.
Pyrus Calleryana Chanticleer Tree (Ornamental Pear)The large, ovate, almost teardrop shaped, leaves that adorn the branches of the Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer tree are infused with burning shades of orange, red and yellow. A great choice to create a glowing feature in any bare winter garden, as these glossy, deciduous leaves last until nearly Christmas in mild weather conditions. Not only is it the last to lose its leaves, Pyrus Chanticleer is also one of the first trees to leaf in spring, creating lovely seasonal interest.
Liquidambar Styraciflua Slender Silhouette Tree (Columnar Sweet Gum)This sweet gum tree has deeply lobed, palmate leaves that flaunt an intense, red wine colour that fades as it reaches the stem. This maple-like foliage densely decorates this columnar tree, and the variations between the different shades of red provide a striking focal point in bare winter gardens.
Acer Rubrum October Glory Tree (Red Maple)Winner of the RHS Award of Garden Merit, Acer October Glory trees are known for their vibrant autumn foliage. The lobed, palmate leaves hang off ornamental red stems and display pinkish red, orange and yellow hues that blend together to form an attractive colour palette.
Parrotia Persica Tree (Persian Ironwood)This Persian Ironwood trees offers broadly ovate, wavy-edged leaves with a kaleidoscopic of colours decorating each individual leaf. The shades that envelop the green hue left behind by summer, vary between sunset orange, vibrant yellow and intense red, before the foliage turns completely purple and falls. Parrotia Persica will stand proudly as the most eye-catching tree in your garden.Take a look at our full range of products for a huge choice of Ornamental trees with spectacular features for any time of the year.