New Arrivals For 2022 - Our Pick Of The Latest Trees & Shrubs

New Arrivals For 2022 - Our Pick Of The Latest Trees & Shrubs

At Ornamental Trees, we're always excited to come across new varieties for the garden. Here's a taster of our new arrivals, from dwarf Cherry Blossom trees to oak-leaved Hydrangea shrubs.If you want an unusual Flowering Cherry tree, Prunus litigiosa has distinctive flowers with long anthers. For small gardens, Prunus 'Frilly Frock' is a fantastic dwarf weeping Cherry tree. It has pale pink spring flowers followed by variegated foliage with good autumn colour, providing interest from spring through to autumn.For foliage, Cercis canadensis 'Carolina Sweetheart' sets itself apart with glorious variegated heart-shaped leaves. If you're wanting colour all year round, take a look at Picea pungens 'Super Blue' which is a fantastic small blue conifer.In autumn, colourful berries and autumnal foliage take centre stage. Sorbus Amber Light has amber-coloured berries which not only look attractive, but provide food for birds. The lobed foliage of Acer rubrum 'Fairview Flame' turns fiery shades of red in autumn.Whilst we're known for our splendid trees, we've recently added a number of shrubs to our offering for 2022. For winter interest, our top picks are Mahonia × media 'Winter Sun' with upright recemes of bright yellow winter flowers and Cornus alba 'Baton Rouge' with crimson red stems.We now offer a selection of Hydrangea shrubs, including two Oak-leaved Hydrangea with deeply lobed leaves that have fantastic autumn colour. Another outstanding plant is Hydrangea paniculata Diamant Rouge, with stunning domed panicles of flowers up to 30cm across that change colour from white to a deep raspberry pink-red.