Boozy Berries

Boozy Berries
It's this time of year when I start getting handed carrier bags full ripe fruit in the office. Last year I made colossal vats of fruit jam, apple and sloe, apricot, blackcurrant etc. but this year I'm trying something a little different.We've all heard of slow gin and often my sister in law serves up a glass of blackberry whisky at Christmas but I've chosen to attempt something that I haven't tried before, I'm making some blackcurrant rum.I've used 200g of blackcurrants, 40g sugar and just over half a bottle of rum to make my concoction and now to sit and wait! I'll post again once the liquor is ready for tasting. I've used Blackcurrant Ben Connan for its flavour is strong and rich.You can purchase a huge range of soft fruit plants from Ornamental Tree Nurseries. the very best time to buy is November-March but you can plant containerised soft fruit plants year round. Soft fruit makes for fantastic alcoholic drinks take a look at these recipes on the cottage smallholder, my favourite website for homemade goodies. You can follow them on twitter @cotsmallholder ... Why not try;Strawberry liqueurBlackberry whiskyRaspberry vodka