Our apple tasting day was a real success with a great turn out and lots of interest in the different varieties available. Sue our accounts manager spent countless hours stewing apples which went down fantastically with everybody who joined us on the day.We kept a record of the most popular apples on the day and in no particular order, here they are; Greensleeves An excellent green dessert apple with crisp, tangy flesh. From Kent in 1966. Ashmeads Kernel A tasty apple with green/yellow, red flushed skin and crisp yellow flesh from Gloucester in the 17th centuryPeasgood NonsuchLarge apples that are juicy when eaten or cook down to a sweet puree. Pink skinned apple from Lincolnshire 1850's. he top cooker was Lanes Prince Albert with Bramley Seedling coming in a close second.The ugliest apple, as voted by the children was Cornish Gilliflower but we love it all the same for being quirky
Thanks to all that joined us!