Apple Day

Apple Day

In celebration of National Apple Day I’d like to shine the spotlight on our Dual Cordon Apple Trees. Dual Cordons are a fantastic way of growing your own Apples at home for you and your family to enjoy.

Planting a Dual Cordon in your garden has many benefits. Firstly, they consist of two apple varieties on one tree so you reap the rewards of two different but equally delicious flavours; they are also ideal for planting in a small space or garden when there is only room for one tree and finally, as there are two varieties, our dual cordon trees are self-fertile, with each variety pollinating one another!Our Dual Cordons can be planted year round as either an upright pillar or at a 45° angle as a traditional cordon. Generally, we recommend pruning Dual Cordons in August.Any large sideshoots (Approx. 9in/22cm) that grew earlier on in summer, from the main stem, should be cut back to three leaves. Any stems that grew from existing sideshoots can be pruned back harder. Leave one leaf above the cluster of leaves at the base of that stem.Smaller shoots (Less than 6in/15cm) can be left until mid September and then trimmed to above the cluster of leaves at the base.Any new growth post pruning should be trimmed back in September-October.

The absolute, best reward of growing your own Apple Tree is enjoying the delicious taste of your home grown fruit. Our Dual Cordon Apple Trees provide a reliable crop of flavoursome eating apples. All of our Dual Cordon Apple varieties are perfect for eating straight from the tree and some can be stored for up to 3 months.There is also an abundance of delightful recipes that incorporate our wide selection of Apple Trees. One of our favourites is the British Larder recipe for Russet Apple Compote: Make your own Russet Apple Compote at home from your own Dual Cordon Apple Tree. Makes approximately 2 x 250g jars of Russet apple compote. 500g russet apples, peeled and core removed 50g honey 50ml fresh apple juice or cold water 50g unsalted butter1 vanilla pod seeds scraped (optional). Peel the apples and remove the core, cut the apples in small pieces. Heat a medium saucepan with half the butter.Once the butter starts to bubble, add the apples, honey and vanilla seeds. Stir and cook for two minutes. Add the fresh apple juice, turn the heat down to a gentle simmer, cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes, stir occasionally.Remove the saucepan from the heat, dice the rest of the cold butter into the saucepan and stir until dissolved.Scoop the soft apples into a food processor and blend until smooth. Spoon the Russet apple compote into clean sterilised jars, cool and keep refrigerated until needed.Keeps for up to two weeks in the fridge providing you have stored the apple compote in clean sterilised jars.Serve with honey roast gammon or spread onto a warm slice of cinnamon toast.As well as a wonderful selection of Dual Cordon Apple Trees, we also have a great range of standard and dwarf Apple Trees that make a wonderful and rewarding garden feature.Enjoy a delicious harvest of wonderful Apples from the comfort of your own garden! Make an Apple Pie at home with your own home grown Applee.