11 Best Trees for Shade | Trees that Grow in Shade

Katie Katie

5 min read

11 Best Trees for Shade | Trees that Grow in Shade

Gardening in shady areas can be tricky because all plants including trees rely on sunlight in order to produce the energy that goes into growth. Some plants, however, need less sunlight than others.

When you purchase a plant, more often than not you’ll see their sunlight requirements on the label. Here is how different levels of sunlight are generally defined:

Full sun: More than 6 hours a day of direct sunlight in summer

Partial sun: 3-6 hours of direct sunlight per day in midsummer (plants will do better at the higher end of this timescale)

Partial shade (or semi shade): 3-6 hours of direct sunlight per day in midsummer (plants will do better at the lower end of this timescale)

Full shade: Fewer than 3 hours of direct sunlight per day in midsummer

It is very difficult to find trees that tolerate completely shaded areas. There are several trees however that are tolerant of partial shade and even some that will grow in heavier shade. To make the decision easier, we’ve rounded up 11 of the best trees that will grow in some shade, including details on just how much shade they will tolerate. Read on to discover more.

Please note: When you’re choosing your tree, it’s worth bearing in mind that just because a tree tolerates shade, doesn’t necessarily mean it will thrive there. A tree may survive in some shade but its ornamental properties such as flower production may be impacted, for instance.

Japanese Maple

  • Tolerates partial shade
  • Ideal for small gardens
  • Suited to container planting
  • Fantastic autumn colour

Japanese Maples are one of our bestselling varieties, boasting vibrant, beautifully shaped foliage and graceful growth habits. These small trees are a popular choice for container planting and actually prefer partial shade as direct sunlight can cause their delicate leaves to scorch.

Japanese Maple 'Garnet'

Japanese Maple 'Osakazuki'

Flowering Dogwood (Cornus)

  • Tolerates partial shade
  • Ideal for small gardens
  • Summer flowering
  • Fantastic autumn colour

Flowering Dogwoods are multi-stemmed shrubs or small trees that have experienced a surge in popularity in recent years, and it’s easy to see why. Elegant, tear drop-shaped flower bracts in shades of white and pink make for a beautiful display in summer. Flowering Dogwoods can be planted in full sun but partial shade is best.

Cornus kousa 'Miss Satomi'

Cornus kousa var. chinensis

Portuguese Laurel (Prunus lusitanica)

  • Tolerates heavy shade
  • Evergreen foliage
  • Ideal for hedging & screening
  • Year-round interest

Portuguese Laurel is a versatile evergreen tree with glossy green foliage; most often chosen for screening and hedging purposes. Small, pretty white flowers followed by red/black fruits provide further interest year-round. Tolerating most soil types, including clay, Portuguese Laurel is not fussy and will be happy planted in both full sun as well as heavily shaded areas.

Prunus lusitanica flowers

Prunus lusitanica berries

Amelanchier (Juneberry)

  • Tolerates partial shade
  • Ideal for small gardens
  • Fantastic autumn colour
  • Wildlife friendly
  • Spring flowering 

Amelanchier are small, often bushy trees that grow masses of pure white, star-shaped flowers in spring followed by small berries in summer (which are very popular with hungry birds). In autumn, foliage turns vibrant shades of red and orange for further interest. Tough and hardy, Amelanchier will grow in many positions but do best in a slightly acidic soil. For the best flower production and autumn colour, a full sun position is preferred, but they are tolerant of partial shade.

Amelanchier lamarckii in spring

Amelanchier lamarckii in autumn

Holly (Ilex aquifolium)

  • Tolerates heavy shade
  • Evergreen foliage
  • Ideal for hedging & screening
  • Year-round interest
  • Ideal for small gardens 

Holly trees are small, easy-to-grow evergreen trees or shrubs with highly recognisable spiny leaves and bright winter red berries—and they’re not just for Christmas! Their year-round foliage makes them an ideal choice for hedging but they also make an excellent addition to a shrub or mixed border. Holly are highly tolerant of shade but will also do well in a partial shade or full sun position.

Holly 'Nellie R. Stevens'

Variegated Golden Holly 'Golden King'

Common Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna)

  • Tolerates partial shade
  • Ideal for small gardens
  • Native to the UK
  • Wildlife friendly
  • Spring flowering 

Common Hawthorn is a tree native to the UK and one of the very best for supporting wildlife—it is often seen in hedgerows up and down the country but makes a wonderful addition to the garden as well. Tough and easy to grow, Hawthorn tolerates most soil types and positions including exposed sites and urban pollution. They will flower best in full sun but tolerate a partially shaded position as well.

Hawthorn blossom

Hawthorn berries

Red Maple (Acer rubrum)

  • Tolerates partial shade
  • Fantastic autumn colour
  • Ideal feature tree

Acer rubrum is one of the very best choices for vivid autumn colour which, when combined with its large stature and slight pyramidal crown, makes it an ideal feature tree. It tolerates an array of soil types and planting conditions including partial shade, although the best autumn colour is achieved in full sun. Acer rubrum ‘October Glory’ is one of the most popular cultivars, so-called because of its fantastic show of colour in October.

Acer rubrum

Acer rubrum 'October Glory'

European Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus)

  • Tolerates heavy shade
  • Wildlife friendly
  • Native to the UK
  • Ideal for hedging & screening
  • Fantastic autumn colour 
  • Tolerates exposure
  • Tolerates wet soils 

European or Common Hornbeam is a very tough, large tree native to the UK and well suited to a variety of planting conditions. It is not strictly an evergreen but is often chosen for hedging purposes as it is capable of holding its brown leaves during winter. Hornbeam is highly tolerant of shade as well as other difficult conditions such as exposure and clay soils.

Common Hornbeam

Common Hornbeam in autumn

American Hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana)

  • Tolerates heavy shade
  • Fantastic autumn colour 
  • Tolerates exposure

Like its European counterpart, the American Hornbeam is a great option for shade, actually preferring a shadier position over full sun. It is often referred to as “Musclewood” because of the texture of its bark which resembles muscles. For something more suitable for smaller gardens, we recommend the unusual but fantastic cultivar Carpinus caroliniana ‘Mexico’ which will reach a much smaller size.

Carpinus caroliniana in autumn

Carpinus caroliniana 'Mexico'

Beech (Fagus sylvatica)

  • Tolerates shade
  • Wildlife friendly
  • Ideal for hedging & screening 
  • Tolerates exposure

Beech is known as the queen of British trees and is very similar to the Hornbeam. Like Hornbeam, Beech leaves will normally stay on the tree through winter, making it a popular choice for hedging and screening. The Copper Beech is a striking purple-leaved variety that is also very popular. Beech trees form a magnificent, stately crown when mature and will tolerate exposure and shade, although purple-leaved varieties will develop better colour with some sun.

Common Beech

Copper Beech

Yew (Taxus baccata)

  • Tolerates shade
  • Evergreen foliage
  • Ideal for hedging & screening
  • Year-round interest

Taxus baccata, also known as Yew, has dense evergreen foliage and makes an excellent year-round screen. Its tolerance to difficult conditions including shade, exposure and pollution makes it a very popular choice. Upright varieties such as Taxus baccata ‘Fastigiata’ (Irish Yew) and Taxus baccata ‘Fastigiata Aurea’ (Golden Irish Yew) are particularly good for smaller gardens and for adding vertical interest.

Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata'

Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata Aurea'


Ornamental Trees

Katie is part of the marketing team at Ornamental Trees and is particularly passionate about Japanese plants and gardening for wildlife.